Today we were lucky to visit the most amazing school at the Loris Malaguzzi Institute.
The mentor teacher that introduced us to the school said to us, “Everything is learning.” I realized, as I wrote those words in my journal, that the statement would stick with me for a long time. It is a statement so true in its simplicity.
Please let us share a few ways we learned this is true.
We listened as George (a fellow learner) explained a lesson from his physics class. We asked questions & we learned.
We watched a school community set up its lunch area. We marveled at its homelike feel & we learned.
We observed two small children completely connecting while playing a peek-a-boo game. We smiled at their friendship & we learned.
We traveled unknown roads side by side. We got lost & then found & we learned.
We tasted brand new foods. We disliked some, loved others & we learned.
We extended our breakfast, lunch & dinner tables to strangers. We began new friendships & we learned.
We were taken by the hand of a young girl to hold a strange bug. We held out our palms & we learned.
We came here to embrace a culture & philosophy. We listened, shared, laughed & we learned.
Dina. Ann, Maddy, Julie