We are blessed to have generous and caring families within our program!!! As some families might remember, in February there was a house fire in North Andover, leaving 2 families homeless. One of our interns from the TOPS program who has been working for us over the past 2 years, lived in this home with her family.
It became a call for action from the SHED Children’s Campus as we began a gift card drive to help support the family, hoping they could recover from the fire and loss quickly. As always, we had a huge response from children and families. SHED Children’s Campus was able to give the family a generous amount of gift cards! Victoria and family are now living in a rental home as their house is being repaired. With the gift cards, Victoria and her family have been able to purchase clothing and other items to replace what was lost.
One gift card donation story does stand out within this recent drive that defines the importance of giving and supporting community. Maddy, who is in our Springboard and Kid’s Club program, luckily found $20. She decided on her own that she wanted to take the $20 and purchase a gift card for Victoria and family!! The thought inspired Maddy’s grandfather to match her donation……this then inspired Maddy’s parents to also match her donation….her generous donation and kind gesture tripled! We are proud of Maddy….she followed her heart and reached out to make someone’s life better. This is why SHED Children’s Campus believes in instilling the importance of community within our children each day….we want children to have the desire to give to the community.
Thank you Maddy for making a difference!!!