Looking back on a year is a wild ride. The time goes so fast but you realize just how many moments filled it.
Before getting too far into 2020 we wanted to take a moment to recap our most fondest memories from 2019.
It was hard to pick and choose as we are so grateful for all that happened and cherished every moment spent learning, laughing and growing!
We hope you enjoy looking back with us! Enjoy!
My highlight from 2019 was the field trip to McIntyre Mountain. It was a beautiful day & the children had so much fun!
Johnny & Joel's OK Room
The OK room ventured out to the Essex Art Center to learn how to draw super heroes. The following month they visited the Addison Art Gallery to listen to an art lecture about the super hero exhibit. This was a fantastic opportunity for the OK room to expand their interest & skill level with super heroes & art – while venturing out into the community. They are excited to continue this into 2020.
Cooking in the summer with Team Adventure was definitely my highlight! Each week their interest in helping with the cooking grew so our group became bigger & bigger.
The annual gingerbread workshop is always a happy time!
One highlight from 2019 was exploring and manipulating with the magnet tiles. The magnet tiles are a favorite amongst the kids. I challenge them to come up with different thing to make and do with the tiles. One of my favorite things they did was create a doll house with the tiles. They also made the dolls and furniture out of paper and wood pieces. They worked on the project for a few weeks and would come in every morning and build the magnet tile house and play in the house with the paper doll.
Admin retreat: The administration retreat from May of 2019 was a highlight for me. We were able to sit without interruption & discuss how to continue to grow our amazing program in the beautiful city of Portland Maine. Our theme became “Better Together”. This theme continued throughout the year.
Outdoor Adventures: Traveling on foot and bike to research the best ice cream in Andover. Also learning so much from amazing small group of children and my co worker — GRETA!
The moment when the children look to each other to find the answers & solve problems – instead of looking to the teachers
My favorite memory from 2019 was when we went to the splash pad in Boston and walked around the city with the children.