The Journey Has Begun: Boston to London to Reggio

Posted November 4, 2017
By dina

So – we are very excited & YES very tired right now.  We just enjoyed a breakfast treat after our flight to London & we are waiting to board our flight to Reggio.

The waiting is the hard part – but that is where all the wonder & curiosity comes from.  Funny how so little sleep can make things so clear.

It’s a great thought as we work with our children  because, as we know, children generally do not enjoy WAITING!

As I am waiting I am pondering about the next flight –  our hotel  – the piazzas we will walk through –  the different flavors of gelato  –  the taste of the balsamic vinaigrette  – the schools we will tour & SO MUCH MORE!!!

Think of all the questions children may have as they wait.  How can we guide their wondering & embrace the waiting & get to all the wonderful imaginings!!!

We will be sure to let you know about our imaginings this week!

Dina, Ann, Maddy & Julie