SHED Children's Campus

Curiosity-Driven Preschool, Kindergarten, and School Aged Programs on the Beautiful Grounds of Phillips Academy.

Toddler »

20 Months - 2.9 Yrs

Preschool - Pre-K »

Ages 3 - 5 Yrs

After School »

k - 8th Grade

SCC School Year Programs

Enrollment for 2023/2024 programs coming soon

Our Mission

Curiosity-Driven Learning

We believe that children are not things to be molded, but people to be unfolded, and that as educators, it is our job and responsibility to nurture a child’s innate curiosity and desire to learn. 

It is our mission to create safe spaces in which every child can thrive.

Our Five Foundations for Learning

Through these five foundational concepts, we provide children the opportunity to explore the world around them. By exposing them to these core ideas, we are able to plant seeds. The children then dictate the teachings, learning through play and growing from their curiosity. 

our dream, hope, & purpose

“To every child, I dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace & be happy.”

– Malala Yousafzal

SHED Children’s Campus is committed to creating a welcoming environment for children, families & staff that values all, regardless of gender identity, age, race and ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic status, religion, and sexual orientation. We welcome all into our community to better connect, embrace & learn from each other.

When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become a wiser, more inclusive, and better organization. 

Our Blog

Nature, Childhood development, After school programs, Reggio Emilia

Can I Climb The Tree?

This question coming from a second grader gave me a moment of pause.  I am not a tree climber. I never climbed trees as a child. Was I the right

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